Friday, January 2, 2009


Mackinna loves pomegranate so the other day when I was pulling one apart for her, she was eating them nearly as fast as I put them in the bowl.  She decided to try to share with her brother, which I thought was very nice given how much she likes them herself.  She said to him, " You should try it Kaden.  Did you know they have candies on the inside and the candies are filled with 'applecado'?  At first I thought she was just trying to get him to try because he loves avocado nearly as much as she loves pomegranate, so I inquired.  "But Mackinna you don't like avocado, and you like these."  Her response- "Well this avocado is the color orange and its strawberry flavored.  I like strawberry flavored avocado."

So yes in Mackinna's world pomegranate is filled with candy, and the candy has strawberry flavored, orange avocado inside it.

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