Sunday, December 29, 2013

New cousin!

Babyhog is at it again!  We finally got to meet Grayson Thomas Campbell, born 12/7/13.  He is just perfect and of course his big cousins are completely in love.  Periodically Mackinna even lets others hold him.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Sunday, December 22, 2013


Kaden dressed just like Grandpa Campbell today!  Carharts rule!

Thursday, December 19, 2013


Since he was just a few months old I've held J over the big toilet and had him poop when he showed signs.  I read an article about this that I found particularly interesting once we started having solid food poops in cloth diapers!  

Lately though I've suggested he go on his little potty.  Today was his third time, but it's still as exciting as the first.  As soon as he is done he jumps up and looks in while yelling "Aaaa" and clapping.

Friday, December 13, 2013

J speak

Mackinna and I keep talking about keeping a list of Jameson's words, but never actually do it.  I'll at least start it here.

His first word (if you don't count uh oh was cat. (Pronounced "at").  Soon after he added "ide" which means outside. We first heard these in late summer/ early fall, since then he has added more to his vocabulary.

Hi: no translation needed
Ot: hot
Eoww: meow
Ack ack: quack quack
Oooff: woof
Ball: no translation needed
Bupboo: peak a boo
Hohoho: this is crystal clear, he is a regular Santa.

In the past week we've also heard "addy" (daddy) and "bupball" (football).  In addition he still signs dog, more, all done, banana and thank you.


Someone had his first bubble bath yesterday.  He seemed to enjoy himself- wouldn't you say?

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Jameson had to have this Community Center thrift store find today after swim lessons. It came with a few things but we supplemented with stuff we had around here and suddenly it's a pretty crazy house!  They have a pet bear, creatures in the attic, a ninja in the kitchen, a knight on the barn roof and their daughter is Wonder Woman!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Clean Hair?

Mackinna took a shower Tuesday before school this week, since things were a little off with the long weekend and Sunday night baths should have become Monday night baths, except she had dance Monday night till 7:30.  So Tuesday night she was snuggling next to me on the couch and her hair still smelled lovely and felt soft.  When I commented on this, she told me, "I know!  I couldn't stop touching it at school today."  I then suggested perhaps she should wash her hair more frequently (something I have been trying to institute for a couple of months)  She looks at me with 100% seriousness and says: "No I shouldn't- it would be too distracting to me at school."

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Jamiecakes camping out in the front room. Since the playroom is a giant baby death trap thanks to the big kids, J has taken over the front room.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Bath toys

Jameson is really enjoying his birthday presents! This is the best bath ever!

J slept through the night!

On Sunday my mom had a conversation with him and told him he should sleep all night so I guess he thought about it a little on Monday and decided to give it a try. Tuesday night he slept in his crib from 8:30-5:00. He had been making it till 3-4am then coming into bed with us and going back to sleep so he was close but at 5 when I heard him and it was light out I was shocked! He still came into our bed to snuggle and ended up sleeping till 6:15.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Before leaving for the hospital to have Jameson, I snapped this picture of my sleeping big kids, knowing it'd be their last night as the only Campbell kids. Last night, exactly one year later while I snuggled my 11 month old for as long as possible, I looked over to see my big kids snoozing on the couch together. I just had to document their sweetness and then stitched the pictures together... Love

Saturday, June 29, 2013

A snuggle and a movie

The kids cuddle up to watch a movie on a rainy day at camp. Just moments later they were fighting, but it was cute while it lasted.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Dance recital 2013

Mackinna performed in all 3 shows, with 4 numbers in the 1st show, 7 in the 2nd and 5 in the 3rd.  She was a busy girl.  I didn't really get any pictures this weekend, but did get a couple from dress rehearsal. Here is a video of my favorite dance.  I LOVE this one!

Jameson videos

I just took a couple of videos off my phone I thought I'd share...

Two Wheeling

We took Kaden's training wheels off- much to his sister's dismay.  She did not think he was old enough, since she was 7 when she took off hers!  Mark held onto Kaden for the first few steps and then Kaden turned and said to him, "Um, Dad can you let go?"  Pretty significantly different from this time last year when Mark ran up and down the street a hundred times holding onto Mackinna's seat.

A future movie star?

It seems we have quite the little actor on our hands. Jameson began fake coughing last week. Today he added the fake cry to his repertoire. He is cracking himself up too- laughing after each fake cry when I pretend to be terribly concerned!

Thursday, May 30, 2013


Look at my boys playing together in the sandbox!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Jameson Craig having fun at the Eastern Prom playground

Monday, May 27, 2013

10 months!

Jameson turned 10 months last week. It's crazy to think of how quickly it's blown by! He is wearing mostly 12 month clothes. His hair is getting pretty long and sort of curly. He loves avocados, blueberries, peas and corn. Mostly he loves finger foods and feeding himself, but we need to spoon feed him a couple bites each meal to be sure some actually finds its way into his mouth. He claps, waves, gives kisses, brushes his hair and washes himself. He thinks nothing of crawling up stairs or out the deck door and he is quick!! He loves cats and his big kids but has started to hate the car seat. He is not a huge fan of his crib either unfortunately, but golly is he cute and super cuddly and a pretty happy dude for the most part.


Check out my little helper!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Look who is playing with the big kids!

Hot wheels!

Today I discovered Jameson in the living room standing up holding onto Mackinna's baby stroller. It occurred to me if he could do this, he can probably use push toys too (and they'd be less likely to tip over on him). We took a trip to the basement and brought back some oldies but goodies. With a good scrubbing they were ready to use and J was ready to roll. How'd he get so big??


Mackinna has been working on completing a lot of badges in Brownies this year. Her sash is going to be filling up soon. Here is her beautiful poster about ladybugs for part of her insect badge.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Dressed for the occasion

Today Kaden's class had a field trip to a farm scheduled so after getting dressed, Kaden came down stairs eager and ready to go in his full cowboy gear.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Saturday, May 4, 2013

9 months of Jameson Craig!

It seems I never posted 7 or 8 month photos either but I did take them! Here is a collage of 9 months of this sweet boy.

Friday, May 3, 2013

9 months!

J did turn 9 months old and we did document it with the sticker on the shirt photo I just haven't posted till now.

His 9 month stats:
Weight: 21 lbs 2 oz (72.6%)
Height: 30.25" (100%)
Head: 19.29" (100%)

He is crawling all over the place and pulling himself up every chance he gets. He prefers to eat finger foods than let us feed him which is pretty messy. He claps now and just started signing "more" this week. He loves his brother and sister and the funny things they do! His hair is getting pretty long and some days, a little crazy! He recently declared an extreme hatred of his carseat, but still seems to like the stroller, thankfully since he runs with one of us a few times a week. He loves the water- baths, showers and especially the hotel pools on dance trips. He kicks his legs and flaps his arms in excitement when he sees water it's so cute!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Baseball the Way it Should Be

We went to our first Sea Dogs game of the season and what I think was Jameson's first ever, but his sister insists he went last year as a newborn. She is probably right- she usually is. Mackinna and Kaden got to go out on the field and throw newspapers at a door for a game sponsored by the Press Herald between innings. M got a Sea Dogs hat and Kaden got a ball! It was pretty cool!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

38 weeks

Jameson has been out in the world as long as he was in my belly. Here we are at 38 weeks pre and post natal. I'm glad to have this belly picture now. With Mackinna and Kaden I never got a giant belly picture. This one was taken just a few hours before we left for the hospital. It's hard to believe he was ever smell enough to fit in there- look at him now!

A better door than a window

Kaden has a tendency to stand or sit on the table directly in front of the TV, it's true, but today he was wrongly accused...

Mackinna had fallen asleep on the couch while watching TV but woke up briefly and noticed her brother on the table. Without even fully waking up she whines, "Kaden I can't see the TV!!" Kaden looks at her and says quite mater-of-factly, "well Mackinna, your eyes are shut!" (Which was 100% true. She didn't even open them to complain to him)

Saturday, March 23, 2013


J checking out baby Kaden in the same outfit

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Uh oh!

Might be time to lower the crib mattress!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Saying, "I'm sorry"

Here is a little story from a couple of weeks ago that I haven't shared yet.

Kaden did something to Jameson- I can't even recall what, but I suggested he apologize.  I'm been starting to do basic signs with J so I asked Kaden if he remembered the sign for I'm sorry.  When he was 2 and Hen was 4- he used that sign perhaps more than any other, with the exception of "More!" Kaden looked like he was seriously pondering it and then asks, "Is it this?" as he puts up his middle finger!

"No! Buddy its is definitely not that!  Where'd you learn that?"  I asked him.  And he tells me Tom from up the street showed him.  I explained its pretty much the opposite of "I'm sorry" and he really shouldn't do it again, but it did make me chuckle.

Dinner tonight

I'm not sure how much longer Jameson will tolerate us feeding him.  He thinks he is pretty hot stuff feeding himself and he even got a little bit in his mouth!

Dance Company Showcase

Mackinna and the rest of the DDC Company dancers performed on stage for the the first time in preparation for competition season last Tuesday.  Here is a sneak peak of whats to come this year.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

First swim

Jameson went for his first swim today. He seemed to really like it!!!


Mackinna has had a sort of wiggly tooth for ages. Daddy asked her today when she was going to lose it. She scoffed and told him it would hurt really bad if it came out right now because it wasn't loose enough. He suggested she wiggle it more. Her reply: "I don't have time. I'm too busy!"
I'm still laughing about it. It's almost as good as when Kaden told us after the blizzard earlier this month, "this is what I want for my birthday!" Good luck with that buddy. Thirty inches of snow in July is not terribly likely.

Saturday, February 9, 2013


We got about 30" snow yesterday!

6 months!

I can't believe Jameson is 6 months old!  His 6 month photos proved to be the most difficult yet.  At 5 months he kept rolling over, well this time around he added trying to pull the sticker off to the roll trick.  Its an annoying combination, but I got a few good pictures eventually.  He is completely sitting on his own now and eating lunch everyday.  So far we've tried baby oatmeal, bananas, avocado and sweet potatoes.  He has been battling  a cold, but despite that remains the happiest boy.  He is just delightful!  He seems like a little peanut compared to his brother at this age, but really he is still bigger than your average 6 month old.  Here are his stats from his 6 month check up.
Height: 28" (91%)
Weight: 18lbs 10 oz (66%)
Head: 18.5" (100%)  Our kids always have huge heads!

Big 6 month old boy

Sticking his tongue out at Mommy
He noticed the sticker on his shirt and wants to peel it off
This is what he does now when we try to change him

What?!  Now that I'm 6 months old I want to be changed like this! 

Sleeping angel