Monday, February 22, 2010

A day with cousins

Then as we were walking back up the driveway from bowling, Auntie Nan and Jada pulled up. The sleep over was not successful, but the kids sure did have a lot of fun until about 10:30 when Jada started crying to go home. She told us she liked us for play dates but not for sleepovers!
Look at those cute little bowling shoes!
Perfect form.
Mackinna was so devastated when Uncle Shawn came to pick up Dylan we needed a distraction, so we went bowling after nap.
Dylan reading in the book nook.
Going for a drive.
Dylan is looking angry because Kaden wouldn't stand and have his picture taken with him and the fire truck.
The boys looking at tools. This was Kaden's favorite part.
Dylan sat in the firetruck! Kaden was afraid. Mackinna wouldn't even come outside.
The kids loaded up in the car ready to head to the museum.
On the Friday of Feb vacation we had a very busy and fun day filled with drumming, fire trucks, McDonalds playground, bowling and best of all cousins!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Movement, Music & Play

Kaden just wrapped up his list workshop class of movement, music & play. (Not Dance- which is what we called the same class when Mackinna took it!) He just loves it. We signed him up for the next session & he can't wait.

Observation week for Kaden

Kaden sings his ABCs (kind of)

Nuggie sings his ABCs all the time, but of course when I pull out the video camera he stops. This is the best I could do...

Monday, February 15, 2010

A visit with Pa

Grandma and Grandpa took the kids for the day. They went to visit Pa
and left me with the quietest house I've ever known. The kids were so
excited to go. Mackinna never got ready so quick in the morning in
her life! Here is a picture my mom sent of Kaden driving his car up
Mt. Pa.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The nicest thing EVER

Kaden just came up to me and patted me on the back and said, "Best Mom EVER." It doesn't get any better than that.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Kaden just told me, "My headegg is on my belly." I guess that means he
has a stomach ache. I'm still laughing. Poor kid, was probably
looking for sympathy and his Mom just laughed.

Big Boy update

January was a busy month for me, and while I may not have blogged about it, my baby turning 2 and 1/2 did not go unnoticed. So let me tell you a little about what my two and half year old is up to these days.
He started wearing underpants all the time- even when we leave the house the very week he turned two and a half, like he just flipped a switch. He even occasionally convinces me to let him wear them to nap.
The boy who was once given the nick name "Nug" because he was such a chunky nugget, has started to slim down. He's close to the same size as other kids his age for the first time in his life. He is wearing 2T pants and has just started to work in some 3T shirts. Considering the child wore 18 month clothes when he was 6 months- he has really slowed down! I'm sure partly because he no longer eats everything I put in front of him. He's become much more selective in his diet and while I continue to put a variety of things on his plate, he continues to not touch them, and sticks to his staples- "P and Jelly" sandwiches, egg salad in a bowl, chick n nuggets, mac n cheese and scrambled eggs, and snacks of course. The boy loves roasted garlic triscuits, which we find odd, but also more normal things like graham crackers, animal crackers, and sort of cookie or candy. He won't touch fruits and vegetables really- with the exception of applesauce.
Kaden loves singing his ABCs and after a week or two of leaving out only the K- finally includes the letter his own name starts with. He counts every chance he gets and can make it to 30 if you overlook the fact that its hard to differentiate between the numbers 14-18 (they all sound like "unteen") We give him the benefit of the doubt though.
Nug's favorite toy hands down is his car ramp- he can race cars down it for hours on end. He loves playing salon with his sister though too and has also been playing babies and house and school with Mackinna pretty regularly lately. Its seems he's got the same great imagination as his sister and its really cute to see them play. He bought himself a doll to take in the bathtub with him, with a gift certificate he had. It came with bathtub toys- including a turtle, duck and dolphin, so he decided to name the baby "Dolphin." The boy and his baby love their baths in the new claw foot tub. He "swims" like crazy and wants to take a really deep bath everynight. Mark nixed this after our water bill tripled in the first month after the new tub.
Its crazy to think that it wasn't long ago that he didn't really talk at all- because he is a gabby gabby boy now. He likes to talk on the phone and the computer. He does still use Kaden short hand- for some things like the "P & Jelly", "Unc Matt" (Uncle Robby and Shawn are the full word, so I'm not sure what that is about). We've also still got "Mick Mouse" and "Bell But".
He can't wait to go to school next year- so much so that I have to drag him out of Mackinna's classroom when we drop her off. He'd be just fine staying. He is doing a movement, music and play class that he adores. He can't rip his shoes and socks off and run down the hall away from me fast enough. We have observation week next week so I'll be sure to post pictures or videos.
Kaden is such a happy kid. He just thoroughly enjoys all he does, so much so that we sometimes have a hard time getting him to leave the house because he is having so much fun just being here and playing with his toys. Once we convince him to leave and move on, he just devours whatever is in store next. He has such a great big belly laugh and isn't afraid to use it.
Two and half is great so far, aside from being a little sad that my baby is getting so big and grown up, I'm really enjoying this age. The boy is just so fun and so stinking cute!

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Kaden talking to Grandma, Uncle Shawn & Dylan on the computer.

Father Daughter Dance

Snappy Dresser

Well Mackinna & Daddy are off to their father daughter dance. Mr Kaden took a super long nap today and when he woke up to see is sister & father all dressed up for their date, he got upset. He said, "Get me dressed. Want my tie." When I asked him what special thing he and I would do tonight while they were gone, his reply was, "Play dominos." So maybe we'll be playing dominos while wearing a tie....