Sunday, January 25, 2009


Again yesterday morning Kaden woke up dry and I stuck him on the potty, and sure enough he went.  When Mackinna came in to see, she said, "Oh Daddy should see this."  She was serious, it was really cute.  
 Today though, when I went to the bathroom I asked Kaden if he wanted to try too.  He said yes-which didn't surprise me because he always does.  The kid loves just sitting on the potty and then wiping nothing, but wouldn't you know, when he stood up today there was actually pee in there.  I was shocked!  I thought it was great that he's gone a couple of times first thing in the morning, but felt kind of like it was cheating- but today feels more for real.  
 I took a picture of Kaden looking at his pee.  (he practically sticks his face in there)  I'll post it when I figure out how to upload pictures from the new camera.

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