Monday, May 25, 2009

Photos from a fun couple of days

Thursday and Friday were both the kind of day that makes you love Maine so much, you wonder how only 1.3 million people can live here. It is so beautiful and perfect you'd think everyone would want to. The kids and I were fortunately enough to be able to take advantage of the perfect weather and this beautiful place and I've posted a series of pictures in a couple of different posts below.

On Thursday after nap and taking Jordie to the vet we went out to my favorite place- Fort Williams. We saw Portland Headlight and walked the trails. We played at the beach- Jordie & Mackinna even went in a little. Then we hit the swings and the gazebo- where Mackinna performed her recital dance. We ran thru the grass like crazy people and wrapped things up at the playground. The kids were excited to see a big tanker go by, Jordie was excited to be having a little break from Lucy and I was just excited to be enjoying the day, my kids and this beautiful state.

Daddy's track meet happened to be in Cape Elizabeth that day so we stopped at a grocery store and got some stuff for dinner, then met him over there. Of course the kids raced.

Then on Friday when Mackinna woke up and asked me, "What do I have today Mommy?" (meaning school or dance or Kari) and I told her nothing she informed me that she wanted to go out on her boat. Luckily my parents launched the boat last week and had actually taken a couple of days off to go out on it anyway so they were able to make that happen. They came in from the Basin where they spent the night and picked us up at my Grandfather's dock. We had a nice little cruise, ate some lunch and got home in time for Mackinna's last Finale rehearsal with the big girls before her recital next week. Kaden even got to play at the park while his sister was at dance. It was a really great couple of days- check out the pictures in the next couple of posts and I think you'll agree.

And Friday we went out on "Mackinna's boat"

Then we went to Daddy's track Meet

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Sweaty sleeping boy

The President's voice

I was listening to NPR yesterday morning and they played a clip from the President's speech the day before in reference to the speech wars between he and Chaney. Suddenly from the back seat Mackinna perks up out of no where and asks, "Mommy is that Barack Obama's voice I hear?" I was first surprised that she was actually paying attention to the radio and second couldn't believe she recognized his voice. I told her yes it was, and in typically Mackinna fashion- always the teacher, she turns to her brother and says, "Kaden, you hear that, that is Barack Obama on the radio."

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Rhinestones- the story

I just noticed my post about rhinestones didn't come thru- except for the photo, so here goes again...

Mackinna and I were making these beautiful butterflies this morning and I asked her if she wanted some rhinestones.  A few moments later she asked me for some "Little Einsteins."  It took me a minute to realize it was the rhinestones she was after.

Tonight's Seadogs game


Such a sweet boy

I had one of those moments this morning, where I just paused and thought, "man I love this kid- how did I get so lucky?"
Kaden and I were cuddling in bed this morning, nose to nose.  He was kind of in that in between sleep and waking state.  His eyes were closed one moment and open just as little slits the next.  I was just enjoying cuddling with his toasty warm little body and he reaches out and puts his hand on the back of my head, nearly at my neck.  He pulled me toward him and kissed me, then smiled and laughed a little- eyes still only part way open.  He did that again another 4 times in a row.  It was just so sweet, like he was saying, I really love you Mommy.  Then he went back to sleep.  He's still sleeping now.  Fighting this cold is really taking a tole on him I guess.  He's been sleeping so late!  

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Daddy's helper

Kaden slept in this morning, later than he has ever in his life actually. By the time he woke up Daddy was already outside, preparing to mow the lawn. Kaden's eyes were barely open and he was saying Daddy and trying to put his shoes on. (Shoes on is a big step in the right direction- pretty much as soon as all the snow melted, Kaden began attempting to go outside first thing every morning in his bare feet. Now we try to keep the deck door locked so he can't escape, but if he does, he will usually find his crocs or rainboots and put them on himself- no coat or anything though) Anyway Kaden helped Daddy mow the lawn, in his jammies, with his bed head, and without and breakfast.
What a big helper! (Actually Mark kept having to stop the mower and get Kaden out of the way so I don't think he really found it all that helpful- but he couldn't deny how cute Kaden was!)
I especially like this one because it gives an excellent view of the massive case of bed head.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Mackinna's Dance picture

Kaden at the park

We went to Payson Park yesterday with our friends Katie and Nicholas.  Katie just sent these pictures...

Kaden playing in the water.  The whole drive over there Mackinna kept asking about the water, but I told her I didn't think it'd be on because it wasn't summer yet.  She was so excited to see it was on when we arrived, but never actually even got close to it.
This is Kaden's chipmunk cheeks cheese face.  Katie brought a box of Timbits- which is like crack for these kids.  In this picture Kaden probably has three in his mouth.  Its highly likely that there is one in each hand as well.

Bike Helmets

When Mackinna got her new big girl bike, Kaden began riding her old tricycle. Lucky for him, it was a gender neutral trike, not so lucky for him, her toddler helmet was pink with Disney princesses on it. This did not really bother me. He doesn't ride all that often and when he does its usually with the neighbors whose son rides his sister's hand me down pink tricycle. Kaden doesn't mind at all- he just thinks he's a cool, big kid riding a bike and wearing a helmet. Daddy on the other hand, is bothered by it. Twice now he's tried to buy Kaden a new one, but everyone Daddy picks, Kaden says, "MO!" And twice now, the ones Kaden has brought back as acceptable replacements have been various shades of pink and purple and many with princesses, so twice now Daddy has left the store discouraged and without a new helmet.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Jordie in the window

He's watching his kids play soccer. See their reflection in the window?

Monday, May 11, 2009

Grandma & Grandpa's new boat

Or if you ask Mackinna, her new boat...
We went to check it out yesterday. It won't be launched until later this week, but the fact that its not in the water did not deter the kids. They had a blast. Kaden drove, and both kids climbed in the beds and played icecream/coffee shop.

Play time

Just in the past few weeks, the kids have really started playing together, like not playing next to each other, or yelling constantly at each other, but playing pretend. And bless little Kaden, he seems to totally go along with his sister's craziness, despite note being able to actually see any of the people or things she talks about. They are really pretty cute, and most times even get along pretty well.
Every since we got back from Florida they've been make trips to the airport and packing bags. They've also taken to playing icecream shop, in Kaden's train bed. On Friday morning, I went to check on them in the play room and found Mackinna serving her brother coffee at the table with babies in high chairs on either side of him. It was just too cute I had to take a couple of pictures. Kaden was apparently in charge of baking. Note- he's cautiously holding the cookie sheet with an oven mit in one hand, but is also touching it with his bare hand.


Kaden shares his milk with Smokey...

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mother's Day

Mackinna is very excited for Mother's day.  Part of it is that she can't wait to give me my presents, but she has also mentioned that Salice & Shawn were going to shopping today to get her a Mother's Day present.  Hopefully since Salice & Shawn are not real- she's not expecting a real gift.  Mark thinks she is going to be upset if she doesn't have a present from Salice and is debating about running out to by her something.

Sidewalk chalk

Friday, May 1, 2009

Is it wrong?

I am in the living room and the kids are playing in the playroom.  I keep hearing Mackinna say to Kaden, "I"m really irritated right now," and "I'm irritated by you!"  and can't stop laughing.