Monday, October 22, 2012

Saturday, October 20, 2012

One of Jameson's favorite things

Jameson really likes to help fold laundry. I think his favorite place to sleep is among folded clothes on our bed.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Little artist

Kaden has become such a little artist. Here is one of the pieces he did this morning before school. I love it! We call it "the dinning room light switch"

Friday, October 12, 2012

Mud masks

We played spa- check us out

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Kaden's 5 year check up

At 5 years and 2 months here are Kaden's stats:

Height: 3'8.5" (73%)
Weight: 47lbs (81.61%)

It's the smallest this big boy has ever been! Might have something to do with the fact that he really doesn't eat! He told Dr Youth he'd try some new things... We'll see. He didn't need any regular shots, but since it was flu shot time, he did have that, much to his dismay. (he needed to be pulled out from under a chair and an extra nurse was called in to help hold him down!

He is adjusting so well to kindergarten and to being a big brother. It's crazy how grown up he seems!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Relay waiting (with baby)

Here are some photos from my phone from Sunday's Maine Marathon Relay

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Baby cuteness

Some photos I took yesterday for your viewing pleasure:

Snoozing on the couch with Jordie

Happy baby getting ready for bed

2 months old!

Jameson had his 2 month check up last week and has a clean bill of health.  Here are his stats:
Height- 24.75" (100%)
Weight- 14lbs 4oz (87%)
Head circumference- 16.73" (100%)

He is smiling and cooing like crazy.  He continues to be such a good boy.  He is sleeping for 6 hour stretches most nights, with an occasional 6.5 or 7 hours.  If I could only get him to stay up a little later, he'd be sleeping through the night, but by 7:30 or so he's ready for bed!  He doesn't care much for tummy time, but loves his seat and his swing.  He's been pretty good about taking a bottle for Mark when I've been at work the first couple of days.  Hopefully he keeps that up for his time with his Grandmas & Dolly.  He'll start going to Sarah's house in November, so by then he'll be a pro!

Here are his 2 month photos.  (He was a little more cooperative this month than last month!)