Thursday, August 14, 2008

Photo shoot

When Mackinna was younger, I'd pretty regularly dress her up and do entire photo shoots. That is the glory of digital. I'd take so many pictures that I was bound to get a really good, frame-able one. I haven't done that much since Kaden was born, so when I had the kids dressed up for Aunt Dolly's birthday party, I attempted to do a big photo shoot in the yard. I did not have very cooperative kids though...

We did get a decent one of the four of us with the timer on the camera, so I was pleased.
This one is clearly not from the photo shoot. At first I was irritated with Mark for taking it, but after I got over it, I noticed how darn cute it is. I love Kaden's leg on Mackinna's head and arm up on my shoulder.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you guys are so darn cuuuute!