Dear Billie Goats:
Are you ready for 3 Billie Goats Gruff Theatre Camp? I sure am, and I’m looking forward to meeting each one of you! We have a busy week ahead of us. It’s hard to put on a play in just one week!
On Monday we need to spend a lot of time getting to know each other. In theatre when you share the stage with someone, you have to know and trust them. Learning someone’s name is the first step! We will also spend some time making our special Billie Goat horns!
Tuesday is exaggeration day. Our story has 3 Billie Goats: one is big, the next is bigger, the final goat is the biggest of them all! What other words can we compare?
On Wednesday we will work on animal movements, and learn how to hop like Billie goats. We will also paint our faces like our favorite farm animals!
On Thursday we need to spend some time thinking about the troll. What’s his story anyway? Why does he want to eat the Billie Goats? We will learn a new troll language, and we will build a troll of our own!
Finally, Friday is our big performance day! We will be performing our play in the Dress Up Theatre, at 11:00. Please invite your friends and family!
This will be a wild, unforgettable theatre experience, and I can’t wait to meet each of you!
See you Monday, August 10th, at 9:00 am!
Your Director,
P.S. Snack time is everyday at 10:15. Don’t forget to bring a snack to eat!
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