Saturday, May 16, 2009

Bike Helmets

When Mackinna got her new big girl bike, Kaden began riding her old tricycle. Lucky for him, it was a gender neutral trike, not so lucky for him, her toddler helmet was pink with Disney princesses on it. This did not really bother me. He doesn't ride all that often and when he does its usually with the neighbors whose son rides his sister's hand me down pink tricycle. Kaden doesn't mind at all- he just thinks he's a cool, big kid riding a bike and wearing a helmet. Daddy on the other hand, is bothered by it. Twice now he's tried to buy Kaden a new one, but everyone Daddy picks, Kaden says, "MO!" And twice now, the ones Kaden has brought back as acceptable replacements have been various shades of pink and purple and many with princesses, so twice now Daddy has left the store discouraged and without a new helmet.

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