Saturday, April 26, 2008

Another Sea dogs game- this time it wasn't raining

We went to the Sea dogs game last night.  It was about 20 degrees warmer than the last one, and it wasn't raining so that was a plus.  Kaden and I stayed till the end this time- long enough for us to realize Kaden is obsessed with Slugger.  He can't get enough of him.  At one point some people stood up and obstructed Kaden's view- you should have seen him crank his neck to see around them.  Every time Slugger came into site Kaden pointed and shouted, "ehh. Eehhhhh"  As if to say, "look, look there he is."  Its funny how much he loved the same mascot that his sister is still afraid of.  Slugger tried to get Mackinna to give him a high five- she did not find that amusing.  Mark gave him a high five though so not to leave the poor guy hanging.  Mackinna did like the trash monster last night though- primarily because he was wearing orange crocks, just like her.

They had fireworks after the game- which I think must be Kaden's first.  He really liked them.   He did the same point and shout at the fireworks- like he wanted to make sure we were seeing them.  His sister slept through them; even when we tried to wake he she had no interest in budging.  She just can't hang with the party animal Kaden, up into the wee hours of the night.  Kaden took a 45 minute nap yesterday and still managed to stay awake till 9:30.  He did fall asleep on the walk back to the car, once he wasn't so busy watching Slugger & fireworks.

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