Thursday, March 25, 2010

In the basement

For some time now, Kaden has been insisting that Neighbor Tim has mice in his basement, which is pretty likely, but what's weird is that Kaden says he saw them running into Neighbor Tim's basement from our bedroom window one morning. Some how yesterday the "mice in Neighbor Tim's basement" story prompted another interesting one.
Now Kaden is insisting there are sea gulls in Grandma & Grandpa's basement. We asked him how they got there and he told us the were knocking, like this (he knocks one fist on the other) and Uncle Robby let them in. I agreed that it sounded like something Uncle Robby might do, and asked him if he was going to go to the basement when he was at Grandma & Grandpa's house this weekend. He said, "No! I not like Sea gulls." We called Grandma & Grandpa and told them they better go down to the basement and check things out- who knows what Uncle Robby is doing down there...

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