Saturday, December 27, 2008


I've got a lot of photos to post and Christmas stories to tell, which I hope to get to this weekend, but for now, I just have a share a little Mackinna story.  
At lunch yesterday Daddy sat down with this huge heap of baked macaroni and cheese and Mackinna commented on how much was there.  Mark replied, "yes I'm a piggy gut"  (this is what we always used to call her).  Mackinna said, "I'm not."  I agreed and said that lately she's turned into such a skinny mini.  Mackinna's response- "yeah like the mini waffles"  I kind of laughed and agreed and she replied, "what? its true Mommy."

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Wow, what a cute new picture! I love it. I hope you had a great holiday and I look forward to seeing the pictures.