Wednesday, August 12, 2015


J recently stopped calling M "Kenna". She is pissed. He'll say "Mackinna" all grown up and she'll shout,"don't call me that!!" 
Um Hen, it's your name... She says he is too little to be saying it properly already!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

J-mo is 3!

Well despite Jameson saying he didn't want to get bigger, my boy turned three! Initially he was excited knowing after Kaden's party was his but then suddenly and very seriously he declared he wanted to stay little! He said he needed to find a way and was going to "talk to his teacher, Mr Cornjacks (at pirate school)and see if he knew a magic way to stay little. As his birthday got closer he seemed less concerned about growing older and more focused on cake, his party and presents!
He had a lovely pirate party at camp with all his best buds over the weekend and on his actual birthday, Thursday got to go to Dunkin donuts to get a coolata and donuts for breakfast, then to dance class where his friends sang to him.  He came home and ate lunch and icecream cake and opened a couple of presents from us.  He was delighted with gummy bears and a jake the pirate book and notebook!  Then off to the older kids' track meet. The town of Casco even had fireworks for him on his birthday! He continues to celebrate by having us put candles in left over cake and sign each time he eats some. (And by eat some, I mean lick the frosting off!)
The kid is a delight! He has the best manners. He thanks us for everything and always rushes to the door when I get home from work to ask how my day was.  It's adorable. He says he is going to be a football player when he grows up. he loves eggs, blueberries and Mac and cheese. He likes to jump on the "bounce-O-leen" and swing, read (the same books over and over again) and play with the big boys. Jake the pirate is his favorite show (only one really).  He continues to be an amazing big brother- not a day goes by where he doesn't say, "oh they're so cute!" I had said I would cut his hair by his 3rd birthday, but I take it back.  It's so curly and lovely in the summer heat- maybe in the fall...

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Bad blog

I just noticed all these old posts that never published and told them to "retry" but now the post dates all show as today and I won't ever know when Ainsley really cut her tooth or when the post titled "last week" really took place.  I'm so annoyed.  Grrrrr

Step up Day

This girl is "stepping up" to the middle school today!  What?!?!?


It's harder than you'd think to get pictures of the teeth!  Ainsley's got 2 now and Brinley has one that just broke the surface!

Last week

Lots of exciting things happened here last week!

Brinley slept through the night for the first time Sunday night (and second time Later in the week)

Brinley's first tooth broke the surface Monday.

Colton had a weight check on Wednesday and is up to 13-7.

Kaden got an improvement award for addition and subtraction at the school assembly.

Spring finally appeared!

Friday night was the first time 2 babies slept thru the night at the same time.  So I only got up once!

It was picture day at dance.  (I'll post some photos that M allowed me to take!)

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Triplet update

I guess with kids 4,5 and 6 it was bound to happen... I haven't documents their well baby visits on here like I should, I rarely put updates on what they are doing and only post pictures once every now and then.  Things are busy here to say the least but I need to find the time to share because I do love looking back at what I've written about the older kids.

Today was exciting for a few reasons.  Brinley passed Ainsley in the race for the most teeth.  She must have cut #3 and 4 overnight.  Ainsley's only got 3, Colton still just one.

Today Ainsley signed more for the first time!  She's the first to do that!  She really likes eating so it makes sense...

Yesterday Colton started saying" uh oh!" He did it a few times.  So cute!

Less exciting and more annoying... Ainsley has figured out how to escape from her high chair and crawl across the table :( she is trouble.

The girls have been letting go when they are standing now too.  I haven't seen Colton try that yet though.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Gummy smiles

Colton has the best gummy smile, so I'm kind of sad to announce- he cut his first tooth this week, just shy of turning ten months.  While this was a couple months behind the girls it's still earlier than the older three, big time.  My babies are growing too fast!!!

Thursday, April 30, 2015


Today I said something about maybe going to the park but I was worried it would start raining.  J told me not to worry, he can make the rain stop!  Obiviously I had to inquire how he planned to do that.  His response?  "I'll fly around and catch it all before it hits the ground!" ...Yup


This shirt was lovely when my mom gave it to her only Grandchild more than 10 years ago, but doesn't seem quite appropriate as a hand me down- especially when you're a triplet!  Other shirts that we continue to wear but probably shouldn't include: "daddy's best girl"

Sunday, April 19, 2015


The triplets met great Grandma Price today! Here are the four generations...

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Sometimes Colton steals his sisters' cups...

Thursday, April 9, 2015

A tooth!

It's not up enough to be visible in a picture, but Ainsley's got a tooth!  She is the youngest of any of the Campbell kids to get a tooth!  It made me sad to think my babies are growing up so fast.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Observation week

It's observation week at dance.  The older boys, Brinley and I watch part of Hen's ballet and all of Jazz.  By the end of jazz the boys were ready to be done.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Yummy yucky

Mackinna made herself a HUGE ice cream sundae last night.  Daddy called her a waster and insisted she wouldn't eat it all. Jameson however simply quoted his favorite book.  He looked at me and said, "too much icecream is yucky!"  I was so impressed.  He recites Yummy Yucky perfectly when we read it, but to pull out that line and use it perfectly in real life context without missing a beat... The kid cracks me up.

Feed me!

The babies started rice cereal over the weekend and have tried avocado mixed in with it the past couple nights too.  They love it!! 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Ballerina girl

A photo of M's duet from last week's dance competition 

Conversations with my boys

Kaden finally lost his first tooth and now Jameson wants in on the action.  Yesterday he told me he had a wiggly tooth and the tooth fairy would come when he lost it.  I told him I thought 2 was a little young to be losing teeth!

This morning  suggested Kaden use his own money to buy something but he told me he couldn't because he and Tom and Joseph are saving their money to buy the camper at the end of the street so they can have a place to hang out.  When I asked how much it was he said- like a hundred?

Monday, March 2, 2015

Tooth fairy- finally!

Kaden finally lost his first tooth.  He was the only one left in his class to not have list any.  Luckily for us it was really only wiggly for a day because he complained a lot and was unable to eat at all with it loose!  His new tooth is already 1/3 of the way up so he won't have a hole for long.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Milestone Monday!

Colton rolled over this morning and Ainsley sat up unassisted!  It's a big day here!  #makewayfortriplets who do big kid stuff


Jameson has suddenly taken to calling all three babies, "cute little fella" and referring to Daddy as his "big buddy."  At least when he'd squeeze my cheek and say "Cutie, I think I'll keep you." I knew he was just repeating a line from Frozen.  These ones seem to be J-mo originals.  It cracks me up.

Friday, February 13, 2015


Yesterday Kaden had an audience while working in his valentines.  Colton got so gabby, Kaden finally declared,"Colton stop being so bossy!"

Thursday, February 12, 2015


This morning J looked out the window and was the first to notice a beautiful sunrise.  "Look Mommy the sky is so pretty, us go for a walk to see it?"  he said. I love his enthusiasm and his eye for  the beauty in everyday things but seriously buddy when it's in the single digits with close to 5 feet of snow on the ground we are NOT going for a walk to enjoy the sunrise- sorry. We'll enjoy it from the window.

Mackinna and her friend Emma curled her hair the other day and now Hen is obsessed.  She put rollers in her hair before school this week.  She was down stairs eating with curlers in and J says, "your hair look pretty Kenny!"  Then later that day J was in the bathroom where M had left the curlers and he says, "those Kenny's hair stamps mommy?"  I told him that's what she curled her hair with because she wanted to be like him.  He replied, "yeah hair stampers!"  Okay... I guess???

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Big boy!

Look who holds his own bottle now!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Social media celebrities

Oh hey, look who has over 2000 likes on Carter's Instagram page!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

4 month olds x 3

We've got some four month olds on our hands now.  They finally had their 4 month check up last week.  Ainsley who was the littlest at birth officially outweighs her siblings now!
A: 10lb 6 oz, 23.5"
B- 10lbs 5 oz, 24"
C- 8lbs 10 oz, 23.5"
They got 2 shots and one oral vaccine and took them like little champs.  Dr Youth was pleased because they are hitting the milestones for their actual age not their adjusted age, so they are doing all the stuff 4 month olds do.  The girls are both rolling over now.  It started as something they did when they were angry, but now its all the time, in both directions.  Colton hasn't rolled over yet, but he is the only one laughing and sleeping through the night (sometimes).  They are all in 0-3 months clothes now and size 1 diapers.  We've finally packed up all the newborn stuff.  They've started sitting up in the bumbos, and this week I pulled out an excersauser.  Their feet don't touch the ground even on the lowest setting, but they seem to like being upright like that.  We are working on plumping Colton up a little but other than that Dr Youth was really really pleased with how they are all doing!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Another fairy gets it's wings

Colton laughed last night.  I've never heard a sweeter sound.  It's so funny to see this tiny little baby- really the size of the average newborn, doing older infant stuff like this!

Friday, January 2, 2015

Watch out!

Last night in a fit of rage, J declared, "I'm gonna throw a booger at you Daddy!"  It was very hard to hold back the laughter...