Saturday, February 9, 2013

6 months!

I can't believe Jameson is 6 months old!  His 6 month photos proved to be the most difficult yet.  At 5 months he kept rolling over, well this time around he added trying to pull the sticker off to the roll trick.  Its an annoying combination, but I got a few good pictures eventually.  He is completely sitting on his own now and eating lunch everyday.  So far we've tried baby oatmeal, bananas, avocado and sweet potatoes.  He has been battling  a cold, but despite that remains the happiest boy.  He is just delightful!  He seems like a little peanut compared to his brother at this age, but really he is still bigger than your average 6 month old.  Here are his stats from his 6 month check up.
Height: 28" (91%)
Weight: 18lbs 10 oz (66%)
Head: 18.5" (100%)  Our kids always have huge heads!

Big 6 month old boy

Sticking his tongue out at Mommy
He noticed the sticker on his shirt and wants to peel it off
This is what he does now when we try to change him

What?!  Now that I'm 6 months old I want to be changed like this! 

Sleeping angel

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