Wednesday, October 3, 2012

2 months old!

Jameson had his 2 month check up last week and has a clean bill of health.  Here are his stats:
Height- 24.75" (100%)
Weight- 14lbs 4oz (87%)
Head circumference- 16.73" (100%)

He is smiling and cooing like crazy.  He continues to be such a good boy.  He is sleeping for 6 hour stretches most nights, with an occasional 6.5 or 7 hours.  If I could only get him to stay up a little later, he'd be sleeping through the night, but by 7:30 or so he's ready for bed!  He doesn't care much for tummy time, but loves his seat and his swing.  He's been pretty good about taking a bottle for Mark when I've been at work the first couple of days.  Hopefully he keeps that up for his time with his Grandmas & Dolly.  He'll start going to Sarah's house in November, so by then he'll be a pro!

Here are his 2 month photos.  (He was a little more cooperative this month than last month!)

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