Monday, August 20, 2012

It's a Boy!

Yes I know its been 4 weeks and I'm more than a bit delayed in making this post, but we had company for a week and then were in Tennessee for a week- its just been crazy.  It doesn't mean we aren't excited and completely in love with #3!

Jameson Craig Campbell was born at 6:28am on July 23rd.  He was 9 lbs 4 oz and 22 inches long.

My adjusted due date was 7/22 so he was pretty much on time.  I was icing cupcakes for Mackinna's bake sale fundraiser the night of the 22nd and noticed that I'd had a few contractions in the short time it had taken me to ice the cupcakes.  I'd been having contractions for months so hadn't paid too much attention at first, but decided to start timing contractions around 9 that night- and sure enough the were very regularly 4 minutes apart.  I went to bed to try to sleep a little, knowing what was in store.  By 11:30 I couldn't sleep through them anymore.  I called Mom to come stay with the big kids and we got to the hospital a bit after 1:00 am on the 23rd.  Just a few hours later, after a bit of nasty back labor, we met our baby boy.  And eventually named him!  Mom and the kids were at the hospital by 7:15 to see him and though Mackinna had said she wanted a sister, she didn't seem even the slightest big disappointed.

Everyone is doing great, big sister and big brother are in love.  Jameson is adorable and really so good! He's been very busy in his 4 weeks, I'll post all about it... eventually.

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