Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Kindergarten update

Our big Kindergartener is doing so great at school.  (At home, is another story for another time...)
 She takes her school work so seriously, is an excellent listener, a good helper and a great student.  She has started writing her name on papers as "Mackinna Marie Campbell" and prides herself in how small she can write now.  "As tiny as Daddy's high school kids," she says.  She loves music on Thursdays and Library on Fridays.  She has started getting homework- which she loves. It just one thing a week to work on together, but its not enough for her so sure obsessively practices her writing at home daily too.
She finally convinced me to let her buy school lunch.  They offer two options each day, with the secondarily option often being "Bagel lunch".  She kept asking and asking, and then one day her teacher sent home an additional school lunch calendar with all the bagel lunches circled and a note that read, "Mackinna's bagel lunch."  I reluctantly agreed and it went pretty well, so again on Monday I let her do bagel lunch.  She came home that night and said to me, "Mommy I don't think you would like me eating the yogurt we got with bagel lunch today."  I ask why and she replies, "It had two bright colors- green and pink."  It warmed my heart.  I was so proud.  Sure she ate it, but at least she came home and confessed!  She is so cute!  This then lead to the conversation about how good home lunches are.  She didn't whole heartily agree, but didn't complain either.

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