Sunday, August 22, 2010

Tales from the dinner table

Tonight at dinner, we had a corn and tomato salad with the grape tomatoes from the garden.  I put a little bit of onion in this salad.  Mackinna (our good eater) takes a couple spoonfuls of the salad and says, "I like onion now Daddy, watch me eat the onion."  She puts it in her mouth then quickly spits it out again and says, "But I don't like that onion."

Kaden (who is not a good eater) had been pulling eggs out of the potato salad but wouldn't eat the rest because he "not like tatoes." Mark told him he had to eat some of his grilled cheese before he took more egg out of the salad.  Kaden said, "It would be good to put egg in the grilled cheese."  I disagreed, but that didn't bother him.  He asked Mark to help him pull apart his "smamich" and inserted the egg, and ate it up.

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