Saturday, September 26, 2009

Mackinna did start school

And I did take first day of school pictures. I even tried to post them that same day, but for some reason it didn't work and then I forgot about it for a little while. So as she gets ready to start her 3rd week of school, here are her first day of school photos.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Worn out from grocery shopping


Mackinna with her new crayons

Gingerbread men crayons

We just melted down little crayon bits (some I think from when I was
little!). Check out our cool new crayons. Thanks to grandma Campbell
for the gingerbread man pan!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Smiling Hill Farm

The kids and I made our first trip to Smiling Hill Farm last week- I think we'll do it again soon. They had a blast and its so close to the house, plus Mackinna discovered blueberry milk, so now we'll have to go there to feed that addiction. Here are some pictures.

Not Napping

Mackinna has recently decided that she is too big to nap, which I've humored to some extent, but told her she needs to have quite time on the couch for 45 minutes. I show her on the clock what the big hand has to get to and leave her with music and her books. I've told her if her feet touch the ground the time starts over again. She always falls asleep, but insists that she doesn't. In fact when she gets up she thinks she needs to continue to stay on the couch even if its been more than 2 hours because "the big hand isn't where Mommy said it needed to be for me to get up!" Here she is "not sleeping" one day.

More Random August pictures

This was the first squash from our garden. Mackinna was SOOOOO excited, until she tasted it.
Kaden fishing with Grandpa for like a minute and a half, until he got bored.
Cousins on the boat
A super nice night in Kennebunk at the playground on the beach, with a beautiful sunset, after having a picnic on the beach, would have been a perfect night, except we got a parking ticket.
The slide at the beach, with a crazy Nug barreling down it
Self inflicted family photo
Daddy & Nug at Nubble Light
Hen on the rocks at Nubble Light
The kids with the "Billy Goats Gruff" at York's Wild Animal Kingdom


I like these ones too much to stick them in with all the smaller sized random August pictures. How cute are these boys on the hammock?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Random August pictures

I didn't do a great job posting pictures in August. Here a a bunch now- its only mid September!

Cousins playing at Dylan's house
If you can't tell that is a beard and glasses
Helicopters at Funtown
Just a little nude swinging
Hen and Daddy in the waves. She's gotten much more brave this summer.
Maine Highland games- at the Clan Campbell tent
Kaden and Daddy watch Alison compete at the Highland Games
Kaden relaxing at Sebago Lake
Mackinna swimming at Sebago Lake
Mackinna and Sarah after the Beach 2 Beacon. Both kids did the Fun Run!
Kaden with his medal and water after his big race. I was so lucky he took the time to pose for a picture with me!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Pepper club

Tonight we picked a tomato and a pepper from the garden for our
tacos. The kids are soooooo excited! I'll be excited if we can keep
the frost away for a few weeks so all of our green tomatoes have time
to turn red!

Friday, September 4, 2009


Today Kaden insisted on napping in his undies, which made me quite nervous, but I went along with it.  He had just gone pee right before going down, so I figured we should be okay.  Then an hour later he still wasn't asleep- when I finally got him to go to sleep he slept for 3 and a half hours!  By that point I had forgotten he was in undies and was actually turning my attention to being worried that he might not be breathing, so when he finally came down stairs in a t shirt and undies Mark was pretty surprised first that I had allowed it, but second that they were dry after all that time.  I then literally ran over and scooped him up and bolted to the bathroom, certain he was going to pee any second- perhaps even on me on the way in.  This apparently irritated him because he hadn't had a chance to really wake up.  He threw a fit on the bathroom floor and refused to sit on the potty.  I gave up and let him have a couple of minutes to come around.  The next thing I know he comes up to me and says, "Mommy... peed."  (in his undies)

Bum Bum

The kids were both naked for a pretty good chunk of the day today and at one point we were walking up the stairs (in hopes of getting clothes on them).  Mackinna went up first with Kaden in my arms a couple of steps behind.  She turns to us and says, "Don't pinch my bum."  Obviously Kaden and I both had the same thought.  He looked and me with a smirk and then looks at her as she continues up the stairs.  He leans forward and grabs...not once but twice.  As he pinches he says, "BUM...BUM!"  I mean really who could blame him.  She basically asked for it.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Something I just noticed

Mackinna has a vivid imagination and has an entire world that the rest of us don't see.  She has very lengthy conversations with children- sometimes as their mom, other times their teacher.  She also seems to talk to friends and co-workers pretty regularly.  One thing all the conversations seem to have in common is that Mackinna repeats herself very frequently and gets louder and louder each time.  As I was listening to her do this this morning, it occurred to me that everyone in Mackinna must be very hard of hearing?