Tuesday, September 9, 2008

First Day of School

Today was Miss Mackinna's first day of preschool. Drop off was amazing. She walked right and barely glanced back. Eventually she did come back to give her Mom and brother a hug and a kiss. She was awesome! She was a little difficult this morning, as you might be able to tell from the pictures, so I was worried, but as soon as we got to school, she was a changed girl.

I was irritated when she wouldn't look at me, but understood better when she insisted that I take a picture of her "pack pack." She loves that thing. Contents of the pack pack include: a monkey folder from Alison for her school papers, her Elmo lunch bag with her snack, her snuggy folded neatly at the bottom, in the event she, "needs a little rub," also Little Peanut (because it was bring a stuffed animal to school day) and a change of clothes, which she was not impressed with. I was just following the directions of the teacher!
Her attitude here is what concerned me about drop off. I couldn't get her to look at me or even think about smiling.
Kaden is wishing he was was going to school too. Mackinna didn't even want him in the picture because "he's just a baby." When we got in that classroom he went crazy though. He was pointing and "ehh"ing at everything and just wanted to get down and play.
Here she is quite literally not even looking back. Quite the change from the first two sessions of summer camp. She couldn't get me out of there fast enough. I felt fortunate that she took the time to come back and give me a hug!


Suzanne said...

Wow, I can't believe Mackinna is going to preschool already! I love her "pack pack". What a big girl!

Sally said...

Jojo also has a "pack pack"!