Friday, October 19, 2007

Little librarian

We've been going to toddler time at the library, which Mackinna just loves. I can tell she loves it because at home now she reads to us. She holds the book up facing away from her and says, "look everybody!" and turns it so "everybody" can see. She points in a cirle around her and counts before she gets started (the librbarian does this as she counts the number of kids there each week) Mackinna also tells invisible naughty children to sit down please while she reads. She is a riot to watch. She sings the songs she's learned at toddler time to Kaden- like shout-to-the -oof-top-style. At the library she doesn't actually sing, but on good days she will do hand movements. Looking at her there, you'd think I forced her to go and she really didn't like it... but at home we see a completely different side.

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