Monday, August 13, 2007

Kaden drinks breast milk...

And apparently so does Baby...

We were all sitting in the living room the other night and Mark turns to see Mackinna, with her shirt pulled up and Baby pushed up to her chest. Mackinna is talking to her quietly, Mark caught murmurs of, "breast milk, baby? And good girl."

In Kaden's first couple of days, Mackinna offered him everything from crackers to cookies and fruit. We explained to her that he has no teeth and he has to drink breast milk. (For a while she said he was eating Mommy's boob) She seems now to understand the concept; pretty much every time Kaden is nursing she asks, "Kaden drinking breast milk?" I say yes and she says, "He has no teeth." But every couple of days does ask if Kaden has any teeth yet.

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