Sunday, June 17, 2007

Sibling Class

Mackinna went to a sibling class at Mercy Monday. She brought her baby and saw a video on being a big sister (which she didn't really watch). She got a tour of the birthing center- which included a stop at the pantry where snacks are kept and the freezer where the popsicles are. We saw a brand new baby- just hours old. I think she was disappointed. It seems that in her mind babies are like 6 months old- making eye contact and cooing and such. This newborn just sat there, she was not impressed. But... she saw an 8 week old at Alison's store later in the week, and really like him. She rubbed his head so gently and had to be pried away so we could go to dinner. I'm so looking forward to seeing her with her brother.


Jean said...

Mackinna sure is a lot like her Mom. I know she will make an excellent (but bossy) big sister!

alison said...

Mackinna bossy? Never a day in her life. She was very cute with the baby.