Tuesday, June 26, 2007
For the past week Mackinna has been such a big girl about going on the potty. Since she's only wearing diapers at bedtime this has apparently given her the impression that she's so big now, she is actually capable of changing diapers. On the phone with my mom today she said, "Henna change Kaden's diapers Mumma." Wouldn't that be nice?
Today Mackinna came to the doctor's with me again. She took her shoes off and weighed herself just after I did. It took me a second to realize why she was insisting that her shoes come off... She helped Dr Van Hengel to hear Kaden's heartbeat. My favorite part was when she asked, "Kaden come out soon Mommy?" I told her to ask the Doctor, but she got shy. I'd like Kaden to come out soon. He's killing my back lately!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Slugger the Sea Dog
Mackinna loves the Red Sox (she's her Daddy's girl). To her though the Portland Sea Dogs and Red Sox are one in the same. So we go to "Red Sox" games at Hadlock field. She'll sit thru an entire game and love every minute except when Slugger, the mascot comes near her. "Slugger go home," She'll say or, "Henna no like Slugger." She was talking about Slugger today, and reminded us that she doesn't like him, but she did tell us that Kaden likes Slugger. Mark asked her if she'd take Kaden to "Red Sox" games and told him, "yes, Henna carry Kaden to Red Sox game."
Monday, June 18, 2007
Kaden's kicking
Last night Kaden was kicking so hard that my whole belly was moving. I called Mackinna over to see and feel. I've tried doing this before, but I'm not really sure she's felt him. I think she at least saw the movement this time though. Just moments later, she's sitting on the couch and pulls her shirt up, then sticks out her belly and sucks it in again and says, "Kaden's kicking, Mommy. Kaden's kicking in Henna's belly."
Getting ready for Kaden
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Sibling Class
Mackinna went to a sibling class at Mercy Monday. She brought her baby and saw a video on being a big sister (which she didn't really watch). She got a tour of the birthing center- which included a stop at the pantry where snacks are kept and the freezer where the popsicles are. We saw a brand new baby- just hours old. I think she was disappointed. It seems that in her mind babies are like 6 months old- making eye contact and cooing and such. This newborn just sat there, she was not impressed. But... she saw an 8 week old at Alison's store later in the week, and really like him. She rubbed his head so gently and had to be pried away so we could go to dinner. I'm so looking forward to seeing her with her brother.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Kaden is at work
Mackinna spent the week with her Grandma Campbell- or as she says "Penkill". One day when I was at work, Grandma asked Mackinna where was Kaden? To which Mackinna replied, "Kaden's at work, Muma." Obviously!
Friday, June 1, 2007
Back rubs
At nap time and bed time Mackinna likes to have her back rubbed to help her fall asleep. She'll say "Rub back, please Moggy." (Yes she calls me Moggy) or "Rub back please Daddy." The other morning she was cuddling in bed with us and I was rubbing her back, then suddenly she starts rubbing my belly. I thought she was just being nice to me, until she says, "Hinna rub Kaden's back, Moggy." How cute is that?
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