Thursday, September 30, 2010

Dishwasher and microwave safe

...But not toaster oven. Mackinna's waffle cooled off while she was
crying, so when she settled down and decided to eat it, she thought
she'd warm it up in the toaster oven (plate and all).

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Kaden's first full week of school resulted in a nice little cold.  We've been battling this since last weekend.  A couple of days ago he sneezed a few times in a row and didn't cover his mouth.  I guess he ended up spitting all over Daddy.  So Mark said, "Buddy, how about covering your mouth?"  Kaden replies, "How about saying Bless you, Daddy?"

His little nasally voice is so funny, but he doesn't seem terribly bothered by the cold over all, just bother by the face that his Dad didn't say bless you.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My little "worker man"

Kaden's first day of pre school

Both kids on Kaden's first day
Backpack shot
She squeezed his face & told him to have a good day
Kaden- ready for school
Walking into school
He went right into his classroom & up to Mrs. Leclair
Check out the welcome to preschool sticker!

I love this picture!

Mackinna pushes Kaden and Dylan at Jada's party

Camping at Hermit Island

Daddy & Hen at the site
It was such a nice day
Kaden got pretty wet
We saw 3 deer on our hike
Not sure what she is showing him...
Tyler came to visit & hike
By the morning camp fire
Our camp site
Brushing teeth OUTSIDE!
On the huge drift wood
Cutest kids ever
Climbing the anchor
Kaden's new pose
Sliding on the big anchor

First day of Kindergarten

Mackinna started Kindergarten in last Tuesday.  She was so excited and so ready!  She woke up at 6:00 ready to catch the bus which didn't come until 8:45!  Daddy went into work late so he could wait for the bus with us and Sarah & Tyler came over to see her off as well.  Then Grandma came over in the afternoon to see her get off the bus.  She was a little stingy with details of the day, but she sure was excited to go back, so we figure she liked it.  Her teacher is Miss Purrington and they are in Room R.  She is one of 7 kindergarten classrooms at Prides Corner.  There are 16 kids in her class.
With her Kindergarten sign
Waiting for the bus
Here it comes
Kaden is waving goodbye
She didn't even look back
Getting off the bus with Julia after a long day at school.
Crossing the street to Mommy & Daddy

Monday, September 6, 2010

The night before Kindergarten

Twas the night before kindergarten when all through the house, not a creature was stiring, not even a mouse. 
The first day of school outfit, was hung by the closet with care, in hopes that the school bus soon would be there.
The kindergartner was nestled all snug in her bed, while visions of lunch boxes and recess danced in her head...  
Good luck tomorrow, sweet girl!

Ice Cream

And on the way back from NYC, we stopped at Ikea in New Haven so Katie could get some stuff for her dorm room.  We got ice cream cones on the way out, but it was really really hot out and on the long walk back to car most of Kaden's melted all over him (and me) but Mackinna got some wipes and helped him clean up.


I had a wedding on Long Island last weekend, but Mark had Ryan's bachelor party, so I decided to bring my cousin Katie and make a little vacation of it.  We kicked the trip off with a ferry ride from New London, CT across to Long Island- which the kids thought was pretty cool.  We took a train into the city and saw the Empire State Building, Mary Poppins on Broadway, the M&Ms store and had dinner at American Girl Place.  We were tired at the end of that day!

3 Year Check Up

Kaden finally had his three year check up.  I guess summer birthdays are hard because the past two years the doctor has been on two week vacations- which has pushed out his appointment a total of a month now!  He was such a big boy, answering all the questions he was asked, and doing exactly as he was told to get measured and weighed and didn't even cry when he got a shot and a finger prick for his cholesterol test.  He's grown 2.5 inches this year and gained 6.5 lbs.
 Here are his stats:
Height: 3'3"
Weight: 38lbs
At home he's still struggling a bit on the potty, ever since he learned out to hold it.  Its like we took a huge step backward.  He tends to push the envelope on the "holding it" thing and the result is accidents.  Since turning three he had gotten a little bit fresh.  Its like someone told him he never really had terrible twos, so he should do a little something... but for the most part he is a delight.  He continues to be a great sharer, very kind and generous and an excellent cuddle bug.  He just randomly comes up and gives me a big Kaden squeeze and says, "I love you Mommy!"  There is nothing better.

He talks so much now, which isn't a big deal for most three year olds, but to think this time last year we only had a couple of words - he's come a long way.  He even says MAkinna now, but only when he's really trying to get her attention or is mad at her- Kenna seems to be his special nick name for her.  I think its cute, and hope it sticks.

Kaden still loves all things sports and balls, but has added some other interests to the mix.  He's into pirates these days, and Woody & Buzz from Toy Story and Lightning McQueen and all things Cars.  And of course most things his big sister is playing.  He still gives a "thumbs up" with his index finger, which continues to crack me up.  He also continues to ask for my "bell but" when he's tired.  I find that less amusing.  I was really hoping he'd give that up by now.

He's so smart in so many ways.  The things he figures out amaze me.  He can spell his name and recogize most of the letters in it when he sees them in other places.  He can count successfully to 13 after that, the teens get a little mixed up.  For one reason or another he can't seem to get his meals right.  Its like a running joke now.  At breakfast he calls out, "Kenna, dinner's ready." Or asks for lunch at dinner time.  Its really pretty funny.  While talking on the phone to my mom the other morning, he told her he was eating dinner, and Mackinna had to step in and say, "He has trouble with his meals Grandma, we are eating breakfast."  Though... Kaden doesn't eat much these days.  Mac N Cheese, Chick N nuggets, yogurt, PBJ- thats about it unless its cookies or candy.  He used to be such a good eater, but all he wants these days are snacks.  It was a huge victory today to get him to eat some water mellon!  We've been trying to work on colors, but he can only seem to master ugly colors- black, brown, grey and white- usually orange too, but with red, blue, green and yellow we still have a long way to go.

He is looking forward to going to pre school next week and I'm sure he'll love it and make lots of friends.  I just hope he doesn't wet his pants and hope he doesn't miss his sister too much while she's at school!

Bike ride around Back Cove

Here is Kaden practicing riding his new birthday bike. Sorry about the formatting.

Sunday, September 5, 2010