Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Mackinna is three!

I can't believe it- but Mackinna is three years old today.  She is such a little grown up. When I asked her how old she was today she told me seven!  She had a very busy day.  She woke up and had a big birthday breakfast, then got dressed in her special birthday girl shirt and birthday tutu.  (I'll post pictures).  
We went to library and checked out some birthday books and played a bit, then Grandma & Grandpa got her and they had a special day together at mall. (Mackinna's wish)  She wanted to eat lunch in the food court and then go to Claire's to pick out a bracelet.  She had her first ever chicken nugget happy meal and Mom told her the people at the restaurant gave her the little toy because she stayed in her bed all night last night.  She really just wanted the french fries; she only ate one nugget- she probably thought they tasted funny because I feed her morningstar chick n nuggets at home.  She got all kinds of little goodies at Claire's then came home and played with Grandma & Grandpa in the playroom then took a little nap on Grandpa's lap.
Then it was time for her birthday dinner.  She requested mac n cheese and boycotted the salad.  I didn't fight it since it was her birthday.  She ate the biggest piece of icecream cake of us all (at a remarkably slow pace).  Uncle Robby and Sarah came over too.  Sarah brought her some Clifford books- which Mackinna made her read (all four).  She modeled her new matching raincoat & rain boots for everyone, and said she was going to name her fish "Uncle Matt the fish"  We'll see if that sticks.  
It was already after bedtime when we noticed the mailman had brought her a package, but we let her open it anyway, and it ended up being a great way to end her special day.  Uncle Matt & Aunt Kate sent her the most wonderful stuff, she was more excited with each thing she opened.  She got princess silverware, plate, bowl & cup and a Cinderella nightgown, brush & sunglasses.  Mark set her place for breakfast with her new stuff so that it was all ready for her in the morning.  She was really thrilled.

Friday, February 22, 2008

We had portraits done finally!

I thought it was a good idea...

This morning at breakfast, I asked Mackinna what she wanted to do today. She told me she wanted to do a puppet show. So after breakfast we went to set up. I told her, I had an idea. If we moved the chair we could hide behind it and do the puppet show there. She said, "No Mommy, that is a bad idea." Then she must have thought about it some more and said, "that is a really bad idea, a really really bad idea Mommy." She said she had a good idea, but it turned out to be a really, really bad idea if you ask me!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Safety first

Mark got a Tennessee football helmet for Christmas. We weren't able to fit in our luggage to bring home, and he's mom just recently shipped it to him. The other morning it was sitting on the floor in the back room and the chin strap was on the floor next to it. Mackinna picked up the strapped and asked what it was. I told her it was the strap to Daddy's helment. She replied, "I hope Daddy fixes it so he can wear his helmet to ride his bike."

I just picture Mark riding a bicycle wearing a football helment. I love it. He doesn't even have a bike, so actually I'm picturing him riding Mackinna's tricycle, wearing the helment- that's even better.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Mackinna/English dictionary

We were talking the other day about how we miss some of Mackinna's old words. Grandma and Grandpa are now pronounced with G, and I used to think, "muma" and "pupa" were so cute! But there are still a few words though that are pretty hard to decipher for most...
Mr McFeely (from Mr Roger's neighborhood) is Makiella. Its not even close...
Yogurt still starts with a G and yellow with an R.
She says "serious me" rather than seriously and "my byself" rather than by myself. I'm a big fan of those two- I still laugh each time I hear those ones.
I know there are more that I'm not thinking of, I'll have to start taking notes.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Two girls and a truck

Mackinna still isn't the best driver, but luckily our neighbor Julia is pretty good. She didn't crash into any snowbanks, or nearly roll the truck. She can even do three point turns and drive in reverse! Mackinna loved being the passenger the other day. She even road around in the back for a while!

Mackinna speak

Last night when I was getting the kids ready for bed, Mackinna grabbed her lotion and said to me, "You give me backwash Mommy?" I suggested that is was actually a back rub she was looking for, she agreed, but then moments later, again asked for a little backwash. I just had to laugh.