Friday, December 28, 2012


Mark has been growing a beard for a few weeks, and while it's better than the first year he attempted, it's not exactly lush. There are a couple of bare-ish spots. This morning while lying in bed, Kaden looked at Mark's face and asked, "why did you shave that little spot?" Now Mark is thinking it might really be time to shave it...

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Let it snow!

Just back from a little night time trek. Jameson tried out his backpacker carrier. With his snowsuit on he was certainly big enough for it! He didn't seem to mind it, despite the snow coming down in his face. He even fell asleep!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Eating it up

Jameson has been lunging at our food with open pith wide open for a couple of weeks. I figured this meant we should probably let him try some cereal yesterday. Big Hit! Really big. He was flapping his arms with approaching bite!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Almost Christmas

Typically the kids would be excited but this year they don't want it to come because that mean Alex the elf on the shelf will go back to the north pole. Mackinna wrote him a letter telling him how much she'll miss him.

Visit with Santa

Santa was at Dairy Queen yesterday so we walked down to visit and eat a couple of kiddy cones.

Rollin, Rollin, Rollin'

5 months!

Jameson is 5 months old today! It was a big week here. He learned how to roll from his back to his belly and how to blow raspberries! Now that he rolls it is slightly harder to take his monthly photo- well if I want to see the sticker any way...

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Alex the Elf

The kids just finished reading all about their elf. They named him Alex.

The elf on the shelf (or chandelier)

Mackinna really wanted an elf on the shelf but after looking at a couple of stores she was disappointed to find them sold out. So she wrote and asked Santa if he could send one here. (Kaden wasn't so sure he wanted one because he might get caught being bad!) Santa must have received the letter because this morning we woke up to find an elf with a book. He even brought them cookies which the kids guessed were made by Mrs. Claus!

Kaden wrote to Santa too so we are thinking his letter was also received so we are awaiting a response to the question, "do you have 8 wood stoves?"

Monday, December 3, 2012

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Cradle cap

Poor Jameson is battling some pretty decent cradle cap. We've been trying different things with mixed results so some days it looks better than others. Today it does not look very good and when Kaden noticed he said, "the flakey scales on Jameson's head make him look like yoda."

4 months

Jameson had his 4 month check up this week and is doing great. He had 4 vaccines- 3 shots and 1 oral. The shots made him pretty mad! His face turned as red as his hat!

Here are his 4 month stats.
Height: 26.5" (91%)
Weight: 17 lbs 2 oz (77%)
Head: 17.24" (94%)

So his weight and height seem to have slowed a little since his 2 month check up. To be honest, I'm surprised he even gains weight given how much he spits up! He is wearing 6-9 month clothes and is getting pretty great at reaching for things with his little hands and shoving them straight in his mouth!
Here are a couple of his 4 month photos.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

My boys

It's been so fun putting J in K's old clothes. Today I posed J to reenact a photo of K at 4 months wearing the same outfit.

Jameson Craig Nov 2012
Kaden James Nov 2007

Monday, November 26, 2012

Holiday card

Yeah I know I haven't posted Halloween pictures yet, or J's 4 month photos, but I did get our holiday cards done today. (I had to take advantage of Shutterfly's good deals right now!) Here is the sneak peek.

Spirited Wishes Christmas Card
Turn family photos into personalized Christmas cards.
View the entire collection of cards.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Trying new things

Today Jameson tried out his Baby Einstein activity center for the first time. He likes to eat the sun.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Soccer Star

Kaden just finished up his soccer season.  He had a great time, and of course made lots of friends!  He even scored a few goals in games!

3 Months!

I totally forgot to post these!
At 3 months Jameson Craig is still a delightfully happy boy, full of smiles.  He is wearing size 6 month clothes and has gotten really good at finding and sucking on his hand.  Most days we try tummy time, he just lays there and sucks on his fist, but every now and then he works on pushing himself up.  He loves to be read to from his board books.  He especially likes the Baby faces one.  He is doing a great job taking a bottle when Mommy is at work.  No signs of sleeping through the night, but that is okay because when he gets up he doesn't stay awake long- just eats and goes right back to sleep.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Saturday, October 20, 2012

One of Jameson's favorite things

Jameson really likes to help fold laundry. I think his favorite place to sleep is among folded clothes on our bed.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Little artist

Kaden has become such a little artist. Here is one of the pieces he did this morning before school. I love it! We call it "the dinning room light switch"

Friday, October 12, 2012

Mud masks

We played spa- check us out

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Kaden's 5 year check up

At 5 years and 2 months here are Kaden's stats:

Height: 3'8.5" (73%)
Weight: 47lbs (81.61%)

It's the smallest this big boy has ever been! Might have something to do with the fact that he really doesn't eat! He told Dr Youth he'd try some new things... We'll see. He didn't need any regular shots, but since it was flu shot time, he did have that, much to his dismay. (he needed to be pulled out from under a chair and an extra nurse was called in to help hold him down!

He is adjusting so well to kindergarten and to being a big brother. It's crazy how grown up he seems!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Relay waiting (with baby)

Here are some photos from my phone from Sunday's Maine Marathon Relay

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Baby cuteness

Some photos I took yesterday for your viewing pleasure:

Snoozing on the couch with Jordie

Happy baby getting ready for bed

2 months old!

Jameson had his 2 month check up last week and has a clean bill of health.  Here are his stats:
Height- 24.75" (100%)
Weight- 14lbs 4oz (87%)
Head circumference- 16.73" (100%)

He is smiling and cooing like crazy.  He continues to be such a good boy.  He is sleeping for 6 hour stretches most nights, with an occasional 6.5 or 7 hours.  If I could only get him to stay up a little later, he'd be sleeping through the night, but by 7:30 or so he's ready for bed!  He doesn't care much for tummy time, but loves his seat and his swing.  He's been pretty good about taking a bottle for Mark when I've been at work the first couple of days.  Hopefully he keeps that up for his time with his Grandmas & Dolly.  He'll start going to Sarah's house in November, so by then he'll be a pro!

Here are his 2 month photos.  (He was a little more cooperative this month than last month!)

Saturday, September 29, 2012


The boys are dressed and ready to be Mackinna's cheerleaders at her Maine Marathon Mile today. Check out their "uniform"

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Back to School week

I'll try to get detailed accounts from both big kids but for now, here is a little collage photo from Mackinna's first day of second grade on Tuesday and Kaden's first day of kindergarten today!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Pirate fashion

Today Kaden and his buddy Nicholas planned to watch Kaden's new Pirate movie from Grandma Campbell, while wearing their pirate gear.  Kaden said, "I will even wear my pirate earring."  I told him I doubted he'd be able to find it.  He disagreed and replied, "It's in the julia box Mom!"  Turns out it was right- well sort of, it was in the jewelry box in the playroom.