Well Kaden turned 10 months old earlier this week, its hard to believe that this time last year I was huge and everyone was asking if I was due any day. To which I would reply, "I wish, I still have 2 solid months to go." Then they'd say something up how huge I was. That was the best. I really was huge though, there is no denying that.
Anyway ... a bit about what the Nugget is up to these days, now that he's a big ten month old...
He is still in his 18 month clothes, I think he may be slowing down. This is definitely the longest I've gotten out of any one size. He is a happy boy, but almost always a filthy boy. He's into EVERYTHING, but his favorite is the dogs' water. He'll crawl clear across the house to get to it. Once there, he splashes around, elbow deep. He loves it. He's like a moth to a flame. There is nothing I can do to keep him out of it- other than take it away and let the dogs be dehydrated, but since we are now dealing with one with kidney failure, I figure that is not really a good option, so I'm taking suggestions, if anyone has them. If I yell NO, he does stop, for a brief moment, only to return to his fun moments later.
He still has no teeth, but that doesn't slow him down when it comes to eating. He's gumming everything quite nicely, and will not under any circumstances let me feed him with a spoon. He actually swats me away big time. He's added high fives to his bag of tricks in the past couple of weeks and will point to his sister when asked, "Where's Mackinna" He holds toy phones & remotes/calculators and other things up to his ear and talks on the phone. (I suspect he picked this up from his sister, who is on the phone with imaginary people CONSTANTLY. I had to take her phone away from her the other day because people kept calling while she was trying to nap)
Kaden loves cats and pictures of babies. He loves to play his piano & to swing- just seeing one makes him kick his legs likes crazy and make excited noises. He's still not sleeping through the night, I'm beginning to think he might never, but it doesn't really bother me anymore, unless he pees on me or our bed in the middle of the night- that gets to me.
His favorite foods I would say are avocado & banana, but he'll eat just about anything. He prefers Mackinna's sippy cups to his own, and luckily she doesn't mind. Its funny how early they start wanting to do things bigger kids do.
He loves his sister. Today she fell at the park and was crying, so he rubbed her back. It was so sweet. He hates having his diaper changed because he just can't sit still that long. His latest trick is to roll over and stand up while I try to change him. I am working on perfecting the diaper change from that angle.
I am not sure if I am going to give him credit for it yet, but its possible he started saying Mum and Mumma yesterday. At first I thought they were just babble, but his typical babble is bla blah and ba ba and there have been a couple of times now where it seems pretty deliberate, once this morning he was patting me and saying Mumma, and once last night and again this morning he yelled it, as if to get my attention. (He had eaten all the food on his tray- in both instances...maybe he was saying MORE??) Oh as I wrote this, he just crawled over and pulled himself up in my lap and looked at me ad said Mumma, maybe that is a sign that I should give him some credit!
He's got a bad habbit of pounding his head on things- the floor, the wall, tables, right now the wood stove door. He does this on purpose and not very hard, but over and over again, I would think hurts. He's got a killer smile and is such a flirt with folks who make a fuss over him. He likes to make new friends and play with folks from the comfort of my arms. He really makes a stink if someone trys to take him from me. It hurts my mom's feelings- what can I say he's a momma's boy.
That might be about it on Kaden "Nugget" James at ten months.